Saturday, November 28, 2015

Once a Year Post (Or the Run on Sentence)

When a year flies by and it seems to be gone in a blink of an eye and you look back and suddenly 2015 is about to end and you can't help the tears that well up in your eyes in another season come and gone and you rejoice and you grieve and you remember just how thankful you are for the mundane moments that make up this beautiful, wonderful, hard, amazing life and you stop for just a moment and reflect on the goodness of God and the gifts He has given in this precious life and you know PEACE, because He IS peace, and this life is His gift and He is ready to carry you through another year just as He did the year gone by and you stop in the middle of all the thoughts and feelings and you remember right now, in this moment, you really need to just be still... and Adore Him.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


This is not the season for chicks, ducks, goats, pigs, cows, puppies, horses, or babies. Nor is it the season for travel, long novels, extended time alone, teaching classes, taking classes, or sleeping in. This season will not be filled with sun bathing, late night dancing, skinny dipping, (or skinny anything for that matter), long napping, immaculate house keeping, or Friday night parties. And I am trying to be ok with all that, because this season is about out loud laughing, training, teaching, loving, story reading, snuggling, inventing, imagining, baking, giggling, fort building, craft making, outdoor exploring, awe and wonder, first time everythings, and growing souls, mine and theirs.
 I carry some sorrow for the season it isn't. Sometimes I grieve these seeming losses. It can't be helped. But, when it hurts the most, I am quietly reminded by this gentle Father, that this season I am in is precious and short lived and I let go. I hand Him the sorrow, the grief, the pain and I step into the place I ought to be, the present. It is a gift and I don't want to miss it. It's only a season.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cabin Fever

Why yes this is a mattress in my kitchen, thanks for asking!

Indeed, it is s slide in my living room as well.

It's the Little Things

The way she calls cats "meowies."
The way they both say "yes..." "bah."
The way she tells me what animal she is every morning.
The way lamby is always by his side.
The way he demands a "good job."

Because this was last year and it seems like just yesterday, and the time flies, and it's just too easy to forget the little things.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Some Things You May Know

I think I love snow...
" 'Could this be a mountain?' he wondered. 'I think I've always wanted to climb a mountian.'
'This must be a palace!' Corduroy gasped. 'I guess I've always wanted to live in a palace.' "
Don Freeman

At the ripe old age of 33 I am quite like Corduroy and it has been my undoing this year. While many of my friends are raving about their 30's and how they are loving finally being comfortable with who they are, I am battling insecurity like never before and for the life of me I can't figure out "who I really am."
 I guess I've always loved camping... I think I like to be with people more... I guess I like to cook... I think I hate shopping... and on and on I go. Well, friends this is the year of self-discovery and I am bringing you all along on my journey. As I spend time on this blog you will find occasional posts called "Some Things You May Know" and in that post there will be a small glimpse into my world of self-discovery. To many this will be extremely bland, others will laugh at the things I come to find about myself... because who doesn't know these things already??? But, it's time to get to know me, the ins and outs. It's time to get pass the "I guesses and I thinks" to...
"This must be home,' he said. 'I know I've always wanted a home!'" Yes indeed, it is time to KNOW!

1. You may know I love to read. I know I love to read.
 You may not know I am currently reading: Little Women, In the Grip of Grace, The Magicians Nephew, The Tanglewoods Secret, The Writing Road to Reading, Educating the Whole Hearted Child,and Tips on Organizing Your Home.
This is good!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The View from My Bedroom Window

I and E trying to "snowboard" on this beautiful snowy Sunday.

Baby C figuring out this snow stuff!

Our residential herd of deer.

There are twelve, can you find them all?

One of my favorite little ladies! Isn't her face pretty?
Isn't it amazing? God has blessed us with this amazing home and land. I am so thankful and pray I never forget this gift and the joy it has brought to our lives.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

When the day goes so well

Valentines Day last year! How time flies especially on these good days!
When the day goes so well you find your self smiling more than sighing, laughing more than yelling, hugging more than correcting, drinking more than eating (you know what I mean), playing more than resting, teaching more than lecturing, and being positive more than negative, it might be because you got up early enough to read SOMETHING important before the day began, or because your meals are already planned, or the baby took a good nap, or you slept through the night, or the dishes are all done, or sledding in the middle of the day with your kids was really fun, but chances are this day is a gift from someone really Kind, Merciful, Tender, Loving, and filled with the most amazing GRACE. And for that, especially on this really, really good day, I am thankful!